Where's ubuntu's public key(s)?

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Fri Jul 1 06:19:26 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 07:00:05PM -0700, Richard Hubbell wrote:
>On 6/30/05, Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 07:47:15AM -0700, Richard Hubbell wrote:
>> >On 6/30/05, Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org> wrote:
>> >> On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 09:18:35PM -0700, Richard Hubbell wrote:
>> >> >Where's ubuntu's public key(s)?
>> >>
>> >> If you mean the public part of the keys used to sign Ubuntu's packages,
>> >> then they can be found in most keyservers. I use subkeys.pgp.net.
>> >
>> >Strange they don't have them on their own site.
>> >
>> >> If you have a Ubuntu system you should already have all the keys you
>> >> need registered for use with apt-get. You can use apt-key to check what
>> >> keys are trusted by apt.
>> >>
>> >> Any particular reason why you need them?
>> >
>> >After downloading the iso I like to confirm with gpg --verify.
>> >What else would one do with them?  What'd you have in mind?
>> >What do you usually use them for?
>> They are among APT's trusted keys by default, so they are used to check
>> the packages I download and install. I've never had any need for them
>> outside of that.
>Apt doesn't do any good for downloading an iso. You're assuming I'm using

No, you are right about that, they don't help in _downloading_ the iso.
Checking it, as you wanted to do is where they do help.

>And finding the keys on a key server's a joke.

Hmm, why is it a joke? It is more or less considered the standard way of
distributing GPG/PGP keys. I can agree it could be good to also make
them available via the web page where the ISOs are located, but
considering the trust issue (you don't trust the ISOs on that web site,
so why would you trust a key on the same site?) you would have to check
the key's signatures. Checking signatures would certainly involve using
a keyserver one way or another.

>But it doesn't matter after all since I'm not going to use ubuntu
>anyway. I was not confident after running the live cd and it couldn't
>get an X display going.

I'm sorry to hear that, if you are willing to give it a little more time
I'm sure that people on this list would be more than willing to help you
solve the problem.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at therning.org

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