Ubuntu Stability

Martin Schmitz ubuntu at zangpo.org
Wed Jan 26 15:36:29 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>> 1.) open a terminal and type the lines below each one followed by ENTER
>> 2.) sudo su - (followed by your password)
>> 3.) apt-get install linux-source- build-essential kernel-package
>> 4.) cd /usr/src
>> 5.) tar xjf linux-source-
>> 6.) cd linux-source-
>> 7.) cp /boot/config-* .config
>> 8.) make -j bzImage
>> 9.) If it's done (you see your prompt again) send us the last 20 or so
>>     lines of output.
> Okay, here we go. I have spent 2 hours downloading the packages (64Kbps
> is really slow...), and it doesn't seem to work. The 'make' aborts after
> only a few seconds. Please see below, I copied the entire output. Look
> at the bottom, it seems that it aborted because of the
> 'SMP' (multiprocessing) thing. But I don't know why.... I don't have a
> dual-cpu board (I wish I had, though ! ;o).

Ups. I did assume that your running kernel is one of the
linux-image- ones. Or maybe you have more than one kernels
installed. Anyway, try the attached .config file. Just copy it to
/usr/src/linux-source- (with the name .config).

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