PPPoE -> DHCP : how to switch ???

troutrou ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Jan 31 22:51:32 UTC 2005

> It might be worth it, if it's at all possible... for you to post a link
> to your isp's web page 
Sure, web site is at: www.modulonet.fr

> and tell us what sort of account your getting..
As I said, I live in town center, so the building is equipped with
"cable". So I have two cable outlets on my wall, one goes to the TV
tuner/card, and the other coaxial cable plugs into the cable modem.
Then the modem connects to the computer's Ethernet controller/card via
the usual RJ45 cable.
Well, just a cable modem really ! :o)

> As to me it sounds like your being plugged into a network (maybe
> fibre??) and pppoe will no longer be of use to you in that situation..
Yes, looks like on my "new Warty", the one that works, from which I am
wirting this, has no pppoeconf things defined anymore. When I click on
the network status applet, all it doesn't show 'ppp0' anymore, but only
So I guess, as  have already been told, I need to remove all PPPoE
connections, then just select DHCP over my Ethernet card. But how do I
remove the PPPoE connexions ??

> also.. I hope you don't need a static IP.. (not that its not possible,
> just unlikely)
Nope, don't need a fixed IP. And you are right, they don't offer one to
joe public, but they also say that if you REALLY want/need one, for your
business or whatever, hence it's important, then no worries, they can
sort one out, but as a "one-off" service only, it's not at all general
practice, as you pointed out.



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