Bulk editing of Evolution contacts

Martijn van de Streek martijn at foodfight.org
Mon Jan 31 14:02:41 UTC 2005

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Tony Arnold wrote:

> This is probably not the right list for this question, but I'm not sure
> where else to ask it.
> I'm using Evolution on a Warty system and I have several hundred names
> in my contacts. I need to edit a significant number of e-mail addresses
> to change user at xxx.ac.uk to user at yyy.ac.uk; and I would rather avoid
> using the GUI to do this!
> Any ideas anyone?

Try exporting everything to vcards, then do some magic with sed, and
import the vcards.

In theory it's even possible to edit files in ~/.evolution, but that's
scary and very likely completely unsupported :)

<dark> YOU HAD ONES???  In my day, we only had zeroes!
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