How can I see which program is using alot of I/O from the HD?

Kristof Vansant de_lupus at
Mon Jan 31 01:22:47 UTC 2005

atop says when it's running and you press d.
No kernel patch installed Request ignored!

      d    Show disk‐related output.

            Per process the following fields are shown: process‐id,
number of physical disk‐reads,  average  size  per  read  (bytes),
            total size for read‐transfers, physical disk‐writes, average
size per write (bytes), total size for write‐transfers, disk‐
            occupation percentage and process‐name.
            This information can only be shown when kernel‐patch ‘cnt’
is installed.

will this patch give performance issues or instabilities? 
Otherwise it would be nice to have that in ubuntu.

this is the kernel patch:


On Sun, 2005-01-30 at 15:30 -0800, Chuck Vose wrote:
> Ok, authority. 
> download atop, it's in the main. I believe it will do what you need
> (though the interface takes a little getting used to).
> Let me know if it doesn't do what you need and we'll keep trying :)
> -Chuck

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