XCFE ...what's next?

Jozsef Mak j_mak3 at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 30 23:15:05 UTC 2005

>From: Werner Punz <werpu at gmx.at>
>To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>Subject: Re: XCFE ...what's next?
>Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 21:13:56 +0100
>Jozsef Mak wrote:
>>>From: Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni 
>>><najafi.tonekaboni at is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de>
>>>To: Jozsef Mak <j_mak3 at hotmail.com>
>>>Subject: Re: XCFE ...what's next?
>>>Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 06:46:04 +0100
>>>Hash: SHA1
>>>if you log out and see this screen:
>>>on the bottom of the screen, where the black "line" is, are some
>>>buttons to restart, shutdown and also to choose language and session
>>>(the second button from left).
>>>click on session, take your choice and login in.
>>Hi Keywan,
>>Thanks for the suggestion, but on my computer there is no such a black 
>>area exists at the bottom of the login screen. Only the picture, that's 
>>So what should i do?
>it should, probably you forgot to check the checkbox during in the install 
>wizard which asked you to have it integrated into your current display 
>manager/session manager.
>(It was somewhere in the install proces)
>You can add the session manually in the config file, but the best option 
>for you might be a reinstall and and looking for the option in one of the 
>wizard dialog boxes...
>Did the install on my debian testing and it worked fine, after the install 
>xfce was one of the options I had in gdm...

I uninstalled and reinstalled XFCE but i found no such an option you 
mentioned. But the xfce42.desktop has been installed in the sessions 
directory as it was stated in the installation instructions; yet I  cannot 
start xfce.


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