Hoary Thinkpad T40 hang on APM battery?

Justin Mason jm at jmason.org
Sun Jan 30 20:41:18 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hi all--
I'm running into a serious problem in Hoary; it's been cropping up for the
last 3 weeks or so.

Occasionally, I move my laptop into another room to listen to RealAudio
streams through the stereo system there.  When I do this, it involves:

  - Thinkpad running from battery
  - madwifi drivers loaded and running, ath0 up
  - Realplayer playing

Every time I've done this, it's hung solid after about 5 minutes of
playing.  (I'd previously been doing this without issue under debian
unstable.)  A hard power cycle is required.   I haven't been able to get
the magic sysrq key to give me any useful info, probably because it's on
the X server's VT console at the time (there's probably a way to use the
magic sysrq in this setup anyway, but I don't know it ;).

Since I upgraded to a handbuilt vanilla 2.6.10 kernel at the same time as
switching to Hoary, I previously thought it was an issue in the kernel, so
downgraded back to the handbuilt vanilla 2.6.6 kernel I'd been running
with debian unstable.   However, it just happened again.

I then rebooted and ran the Thinkpad from AC -- with no problems.
So it appears

  - (a) it's related to running from battery under APM
  - (b) it's not a 2.6.10 kernel bug
  - (c) it's unlikely to be a kernel bug, since the 2.6.6 kernel I'm using
    was working fine under debian unstable.

I'd suspect the X.org X server -- is it possible to use XFree86 with
Hoary?  or are there laptop Radeon patches that may help?

Alternatively, has anyone got ideas as to what may cause this, or how
to diagnose it?

- --j.
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