XCFE ...what's next?
Werner Punz
werpu at gmx.at
Sun Jan 30 20:13:56 UTC 2005
Jozsef Mak wrote:
>> From: Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni
>> <najafi.tonekaboni at is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de>
>> To: Jozsef Mak <j_mak3 at hotmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: XCFE ...what's next?
>> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 06:46:04 +0100
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi,
>> if you log out and see this screen:
>> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/login.jpeg
>> on the bottom of the screen, where the black "line" is, are some
>> buttons to restart, shutdown and also to choose language and session
>> (the second button from left).
>> click on session, take your choice and login in.
> Hi Keywan,
> Thanks for the suggestion, but on my computer there is no such a black
> area exists at the bottom of the login screen. Only the picture, that's
> all.
> So what should i do?
> thanks
> jozsefmak
it should, probably you forgot to check the checkbox during in the
install wizard which asked you to have it integrated into your current
display manager/session manager.
(It was somewhere in the install proces)
You can add the session manually in the config file, but the best option
for you might be a reinstall and and looking for the option in one of
the wizard dialog boxes...
Did the install on my debian testing and it worked fine, after the
install xfce was one of the options I had in gdm...
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