packages size mismatch in archives
Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka
kerka at
Sun Jan 30 19:23:19 UTC 2005
piedamaro wrote:
> Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka Wrote:
>>I'm quite new in Ubuntu and I'm trying to install Ubuntu on AMD 64, but
>>there are LOTS of packages in the archives with the size mismatch:
>>Failed to fetch
>>-xml_4.3-1.1_all.deb Size mismatch
>>Failed to fetch
>>mon_0.6.4-13.1_all.deb Size mismatch
>>Failed to fetch
>>me-doc-tools_1.0-6.1_all.deb Size mismatch
>>Failed to fetch
>>nome-tasksel_0.9.7.1_all.deb Size mismatch
>>Failed to fetch
>>a-dev_0.2.96-6_amd64.deb Size mismatch
>>Failed to fetch
>>ome-vfs-dev_1.0.5-5_amd64.deb Size mismatch
>>Failed to fetch
>>medb-dev_0.2.96-9_amd64.deb Size mismatch
>>I may give you at least 10 another examples for glade, bonobo, gsf etc.
>>This sitauation prevents me from installing such essential packages,
>>like gnome-panel, gnome-session, nautilus, scrollkeeper, synaptic.
>>What am I supposed to do?
> Try to use another mirror, search for them on
Well, I tried two mirrors:
- [via ftp]
- [via http]
and result is all the same [as expected, because mirrors are synced]-
size mismatch. Thanks anyway.
Please, can someone in charge correct wrong packages? I really need
them, because I want to start using Ubuntu.
Many thanks
Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka
Klukovicka 1530
155 00 Praha 5 - Stodulky
Czech Republic
e-mail: kerka at
kerka at
NOTE: rm -rf /bin/ladin
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