Hoary - GL screensavers appears slow now

Jon Dixon dixon.jon at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 23:04:58 UTC 2005

Tried this after a slow screensaver appeared.

Here are the significant processes.

14819 hal       15   0  7272 5756 1596 S  5.7  1.3  97:07.84 hald
12845 jd01      15   0 39160  13m 8888 S  4.7  3.1   0:02.80 gnome-terminal
  6944 root      15   0 99.7m  22m 6260 S  1.3  5.0   7:44.39 Xorg
13807 root      25   0  1528  392  288 R  0.7  0.1  10:42.07 udevd
27794 syslog    25  10  1736  740  624 R  0.7  0.2   3:47.47 syslogd
30802 jd01      17   0  2076 1060  816 R  0.3  0.2   0:00.11 top

hald had been hovering just below 7% CPU just before I exited top.

Any thoughts?



Michael Scottaline wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:13:17 +0000, Jon Dixon <dixon.jon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>One thing that really impressed with Hoary was that my gfx finally
>>worked with DRI. I have a Radeon IGP345M.
>>The GL screensavers were nice to see running well.
>>Yesterday and today however, they've been quite jerky and slow.
>>glxinfo shows that I still do have direct rendering.
>>xdpyinfo looks as it did when it was all working fine.
>>Any ideas?
> =================================
> When that happens, try running a monitor like top to see if a process
> might be running (as a cron job) in the background using up loads of
> CPU, perhaps.
> Mike

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