annoncing gaveman in hoary universe

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Sat Jan 29 19:17:18 UTC 2005

la, 2005-01-29 kello 13:10 -0500, tpls kirjoitti:
> Hi all,
> I've just solved the problem. It is the automatic mounter which
> prevents access to cd-writer. I disabled from gnome menu automounting,
> umounted /dev/hdc and now I'm burning cd's with graveman! Thanks for
> helping me!
> Tuomas

Hi Tuomas,

I tried this and I get further than before, but burning still doesn't
work. Now soon after clicking "Write tracks" the disk tray comes open
and closes again instantly, then the burnig window with progression bars
opens and the burning process seemingly starts , but it lasts hardly a
second (tried to burn 50Mb with 10x writing speed). After that a window
pops up saying "Operation succesfull", but there's nothing on the disk.

Do you have any tricks left? :-)


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