annoncing gaveman in hoary universe

Jon Dixon dixon.jon at
Sat Jan 29 10:06:45 UTC 2005


Are you trying to burn MP3s?

That doesn't look to work at the moment, but it does work if you record 
from OGG.

The list has discussed this a little, but no news of this issue being 
resolved as yet.

You may be able to use sox to covert the MP3 files to .cdr and burn 
those but I haven't tried that yet.

Good luck,


tpls wrote:
> Hi all,
> I installed warty on yesterday. I think that this one of the best
> linuxes what I have ever used and it works great. But when tried to
> burn cd with graveman I'm getting exactly same problems as you do.
> Graveman says the same that "Communication error with cdrecord". I'm
> very pleased if someone is able to solve this problem.
> Sorry for typos etc, I'm not at my best in english.

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