FAT32 stealth hard drive at /dev/hdb?

Brian Durant linuxnewbiedk at yahoo.dk
Sat Jan 29 07:43:20 UTC 2005

 --- Oliver Grawert <hostmaster at grawert.net> skrev: 
> hi,
> Am Freitag, den 28.01.2005, 11:15 -0800 schrieb
> Vram:
> > Really, show me that...
> > Hasn't been my experience..
> > Tell me how I would do that........
> simply add the one of the options user or users
> (user says the mounting
> user has access to the files on the mounted
> filesystem, users grants
> this also to other users) to the options in the
> fstab line...thats all
> you have to do and thats how nautilus is supposed to
> work....
> ...if it doesnt do this for you there is something
> broken.

This must be what is happening to me. My USB drives
acted a little flakey from first install as well,
so... maybe something was broken from the beginning???



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