Using the "ps" to show run-time options
ssv102email-linux at
ssv102email-linux at
Fri Jan 28 15:29:16 UTC 2005
You can stop X and gdm by running the following
command: "services gdm stop"
or just go to the /etc/init.d and run the gdm script
manually and pass it "stop"
"/etc/init.d/gdm stop"
You don't want to do this while in X so make sure to
switch terminals "CTRL-ALT-F2" were F2 can be any of
the terminals F2-F6 (tty2-tty6).
Hope this helps.
--- Eric Dunbar <eric.dunbar at> wrote:
> (difficulty: advanced newbie; novice oldie)
> I just noticed something neat about "ps" in another
> thread today:
> <preamble>
> The way I learn how to do things in Linux is
> (mostly) through
> trial-and-error and edumacated guessing as to how to
> edit .conf files
> and guessing as to what options to pass to
> executables (works often
> enough for me :-). ...sometimes <sigh> I'll resort
> to reading man
> pages, searching the web, or asking the user lists
> for help (I am a
> Mac fan(atic) at heart after all so reading manuals
> isn't exactly how
> I use my computers).
> </preamble>
> Anyway, today I noticed a really cool option for
> "ps". You can use the
> following command (from a terminal) to display the
> exact syntax of the
> command-line instruction that was used to start a
> particular process:
> ps ax
> I've been playing with XDCMP of late which has
> required me to be able
> to start and stop gdm and X on my client machine (I
> still am killing X
> the "dirty" way by doing "sudo killall gdm"... I
> presume there's a
> proper way to do it). Anyway, I want to know what
> the options are for
> my normal session so that I can modify them
> when I manually
> start X (yesterday I managed to have my local X
> session working on vt9
> and the XDCMP session working on vt8 through luck
> (response time
> wasn't great on vt9 but it worked) so now I'd like
> to know what the
> system does :)...
> e.g.
> ericd at LinuxOnPismo:~ $ ps xa|grep X11
> 4230 ? S 2:41 /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br
> -audit 0 -auth
> /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7
> (FYI yesterday I used the vt8 option (I had a hunch
> after I skimmed
> the man page for X) to get "X -query
> vt8" to display my
> XDCMP session on vt8... then I ran gdm from a CLUI
> and it said :0 was
> used so it was going to use :1 and somehow it ended
> up on vt9 ;-).
> Anyhow, I hope someone else can find some use in
> this cool little "ps
> ax" gem as well.
> Eric.
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