FAT32 stealth hard drive at /dev/hdb?

Brian Durant linuxnewbiedk at yahoo.dk
Fri Jan 28 08:42:40 UTC 2005

Hi again. I have a FAT32 hard drive at /dev/hdb on my
computer. dmesg reports:

hdb: ST380011A, ATA DISK drive
Using anticipatory io scheduler
ide0 at 0xf88af080-0xf88af087,0xf88af08a on irq 11
hdb: max request size: 64KiB
hdb: 156301488 sectors (80026 MB) w/2048KiB Cache,
CHS=16383/255/63, UDMA(100)
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0: p1

mount reports that the disk is already mounted, but it
is nowhere to be found in GNOME. Is this a new stealth
model? What can I do?



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