VMWare stuff

Cameron Hutchison camh+ubuntu at xdna.net
Fri Jan 28 04:35:02 UTC 2005

Once upon a time Senectus . said...
> I've been playing with vmware and its utterly brilliant stuff, I'm
> very impressed and I think I'll end up buying it.
> But one issue I can't seem to fix is that every time I reboot I have
> to run the vmware-config.pl again or I cant start vmware.

I think this may be caused by missing /dev entries. Since Ubuntu uses udev
and the vmware modules do not export the necessary /sys interface that
udev needs, you will need to manually create the /dev entries on startup.

I have a script /etc/init.d/localdev that I use to create necessary
devices on startup, with a link from /etc/rcS.d/S90localdev.

--cut here--
#! /bin/sh
# localdev:     create devices that are not created by udev.
#               Currently this is nvidia and vmware

set -e



case "$1" in
        echo -n "Creating devices: "
        echo -n "vmware "
        [ -e /dev/vmmon ] || mknod --mode=0600 /dev/vmmon c 10 165
        [ -e /dev/vmnet0 ] || mknod --mode=0600 /dev/vmnet0 c 119 0
        [ -e /dev/vmnet1 ] || mknod --mode=0600 /dev/vmnet1 c 119 1
        [ -e /dev/vmnet8 ] || mknod --mode=0600 /dev/vmnet8 c 119 8
        echo "."
        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop}" >&2
        exit 1

exit 0
--cut here--

I just added the /dev/vmnet8 line, since you are using it (I dont). I
assume it is correct, but it is untested.

One final caveat - I use this script on a Debian sid box, not an Ubuntu
box, but I dont see why it wouldn't work with Ubuntu.

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