Newbie question about Ubuntu Linux Sound Systems

crimsun at crimsun at
Thu Jan 27 16:12:07 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 11:08:32AM +0100, Rune Maagensen wrote:
> No you don't. Alsa dmix is running better than esd ever did on my 
> ess1371. With Alsa dmix, Esd should be buried together with OSS (at 
> least for Linux). To use dmix search for alsa dmix (there a good gentoo 
> howto out there). My .asoundrc is included in the bottom.

Yes, I neglected to mention dmix (I do know about it, since I'm in the
middle of writing a Python generator for .asoundrcs, and there are a
fair number of shortcomings in the implementation regarding mmap and shm
implementation :-).

> > XMMS should be configured to use the esd output.
> >
> NO! Esd should be disabled alltogether, use Alsa with dmix, and simplify 
> your life.

Specific to his example, if he didn't wish to change the sink using
`gstreamer-properties' (or Desktop>Preferences>Multimedia Systems
Selectors in Hoary), changing XMMS to use esd is the most straight-
forward choice.

Yes, dmix is the preferred mechanism, but the preferred mechanism isn't
always the "best" solution. (Consider for a moment why esd was enabled
by default in Ubuntu, for instance.)

> Also if you use mplayer and run into problems with stuttering when using 
> the terminal or other program you might want to add the following to a 
> /etc/init.d/local:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq
> And then making a symlink from /etc/rc2.d

This is a helpful hint for him, but the preferred [correct] place to set
such variables is in /etc/sysctl.conf:


Then `sudo sysctl -p'.

Daniel T. Chen          crimsun at
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