Fan control module/tools for Mac G5.

Jean-Christophe Dubois jcd at
Thu Jan 27 13:48:50 UTC 2005

Just to let you know. I upgraded my warty G5 system to hoary and
installed the 2.6.10 kernel provided there. The new kernel does support
the fan control system on my G5. So it is a lot quieter now ...



On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 16:14 +0100, Jean-Christophe Dubois wrote:
> > therm_pm72 is compiled into the kernel rather than being a separate
> > module. As I remember the version in Warty didn't support some newer
> G5
> > models, though; Hoary's kernel should fix this.
> OK, I must be out of luck here as my G5 went back to Apple for
> maintenance and it seems I got a new one back (2GHz instead of the
> original 1.8GHz I bought). I am a bit new with Ubuntu so is there an
> easy way to fetch the oary's kernel for test.
> Thanks
> JC

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