Gnome Menu, Ubuntu menu??

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Thu Jan 27 11:20:43 UTC 2005

<quote who="Jad Madi">

> > Not available in warty, but if you install menu-xdg in hoary, you'll get
> > a Debian menu.
> Ubuntu is not debian 

Indeed, and we're considering our options with the Debian menu. Don't want
to change things frivolously, but it probably makes sense to change this. If
you have suggestions for a name and icon, please let me know. :-) (Though it
would not be great to just make it 'Ubuntu' with the Ubuntu device.)

- Jeff

GUADEC 2005: Stuttgart, Germany            
    You know a French woman is faking it when she screams, "I would like
                     the table near the window please!"

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