Running out of memory?

Julio Biason julio.biason at
Thu Jan 27 09:43:18 UTC 2005

2005.01.27 06:57:07, Eamonn Sullivan:
> Then it goes on to kill four other apache2 instances, then gdmgreeter,
> then bash. I was running  make -j bzImage in a pty.

Try running 'make -j2 bzImage' instead of 'make -j bzImage'.

The -j option tells make to fork as many process as it can to build them
simultaneously. Probably, it is forking a lot and that is using all the

I don't know the order the kernel uses to kill processes when out of
memory, but probably it is killing them by age order, so it kills
apache2, make forks more, it kills gdmgreeter, make forks even more and
the kernel kills bash, killing make with it.

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