[hoary] wine oddness

ulrich steffens ulrich at barfuss-jerusalem.org
Thu Jan 27 08:55:10 UTC 2005

hi list,
im running hoary and experience some strange wine behavior.
i use wine rather rarely but last time needed, it worked flawlessly.
but if i now fire up 'wine some.exe' my screen goes blank, and theres NO
WAY in getting X back or to switch to another tty.
i can log in remotely, but wasnt able to get x back without restarting
the whole machine.
has anyone experienced this?

i searched bugzilla but found nothing....

im running
  Version: 0.0.20041201-1-4.10ubp1

and latest xorg and xorg-fglrx

- ulrich
rule 3: It is OK to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder.

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