nvu warty ppc

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 18:44:55 UTC 2005

> > > Has anyone been able to install nvu in warty ppc? if someone did plase
> > > tell me how.
> > >
> > I'm running it on my Dell Warty box. I had to install some lib files that
> > were needed. I just did a sudo apt-get install <name of lib> and then it
> > worked fine.
> ?? Does that mean that Dell sells machines with Mac OS-X ??
> Wow...

actually it you try "dell ppc" in google, you get a bunch of hits.  It
seems Dell sells  a Pocket PC that is sometimes abbreviated as "Dell
PPC".  But I'm not sure if Ubuntu runs on it :)

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