Tweaking XFree for 2D cards by hand ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Wed Jan 26 04:10:40 UTC 2005

> no, you don't need mga in /etc/modules


> > Would be great if I could select a 1152*864 resolution though, because
> > the Matrox card won't go above 1024*764 ! :-/ Well it will, maybe I need
> > to lower the colour depth from 24 down to 16 ?? Will try that...
> I believe that card can go to 1280x1024 (but I never tried...)

According to the tables in the user manual, it can go up to 1920x1200 or
1800x1440, which is plenty enough isn't it...
But there is another table, that shows that the resolution I want,
1152x864 is only achievable with 16 bit colour depth. I just modified X
conf file accordingly, restarted X, and hey presto, Gnome started in the
correct resolution !! :o)
Also, as strange as it may seem, the font seem to look a better than
with the Nvidia chip, for some  reason. Or maybe it's just a placebo
effect "it's different so it's better", I don't know... ;o)

Anyway, problem solved, let's see if the machine crashes any more or
less that with the Nvidia or ATI video adapters...


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