
Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at cyb3r.org
Tue Jan 25 19:54:42 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> Emil, I did apologize about posting in French...it was
> mistaaaaaaaaake...

  No reason for apologies, I was joking. :-)

> What langauge are you using

  Polish, mostly.

> in Eastern Europe

  Poland, Center/East Europe, Earth, Solar system, Milky way. :-)

> challenge for Linux (or any computer program I guess). 

  There is a nice set of rigth-to-left languages. I'm not expert here, 
but I did some research some time ago.

  Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski
  http://opi.pegasos.pl http://ubuntulinux.org

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