KDE 3.3 packages

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at cyb3r.org
Tue Jan 25 14:05:26 UTC 2005

Dnia 25-01-2005, wto o godzinie 08:52 -0500, mrdibbler napisaƂ(a):

> Is there a way to set up KDE so that it can do root things like Gnome
> does?

 To quote Kubuntu Wiki page: ,,one big thing we have to sort out is the
su vs sudo thing. The control panel apps don't work becuase they expect
you to be able to su, which you can't. See bug 20914 sudo for kdesu
"more work than expected"''

 Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski, http://opi.pegasos.pl
 Horay for Hoary: http://opi.pegasos.pl/?siurp=single&id=220
 Monkey see, monkey do. Rather be dead than cool.

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