CD burning software

Chad Davis mindphasr at
Mon Jan 24 15:42:30 UTC 2005

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 10:26:44 -0500, Michael Scottaline
<mscottaline at> wrote:
> is there a CD/DVD burning front end in gnome similar to k3b in KDE.  I
> don't use either gnome or kde as my DE, but I do occasionally use some
> of their software.  k3b is very user friendly (used it to create my
> ubuntu install disks) and I would miss it without a viable replacement
> in Ubuntu.

This has been on the gnome wishlist for quite some time. This is known
to be one of the few shortcomings when comparing KDE to gnome. However
strides have been made in the last year. As just announced on this
list. graveman is now in universe.  There is also coaster, which I am
not sure does audio cds yet.

graveman ! - http://www.nongnu. org/graveman/
coaster -

Chad Davis
cdavis at

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