
Jason Rennie jrennie at
Mon Jan 24 14:47:59 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 07:48:57PM +0000, Paul Sladen wrote:
> The packages are all there, but are in Universe.  If you reckon you are
> likely to need them for a big deployment and you believe that they should be
> commerically supported then it's probably worth making it known that you'd
> like to see them promoted.

My lab uses openafs.  The sysadmins support Debian as the main
unix-like OS.  'course, Debian has its issues... I currently run
Debian at home so that I can use openafs to directly access my files.
My educated guess is that I'd be much happier running Ubuntu so long
as I can get all of the necessary kerberos/openafs packages.

Are those kerberos/openafs packages in Universe simply a snapshot of
Debian Sid?  My lab sysadmins publish compiled openafs modules
(.deb's).  Would it be reasonable to expect that they would "just
work" in Ubuntu? (assuming I'm using the correct kernel version)

> Filing a bug on the wiki may be the most proactive since they you know it
> will be followed up.

Sounds like getting it to work may be easier than I thought, so I'll
give it a try and report back.

> Hope that's useful,

Yes.  Thanks for the info.


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