Warty CPUupgrade: Intel Pentium III to AMD Sempron 2400

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 07:59:45 UTC 2005

I have a computer that just got its hardware upgraded from an older
Pentium III cpu to a newer AMD Sempron 2400.  Currently it is running
Warty with the package "linux-686" installed.

If I understand this right,  I should be using the "linux-k7" package
instead on this hardware; I think:  I have been looking at the wiki
and mailing list archives without much success to understand exactly
what is k7, and to what cpus it should be used on.

So if I'm right, should I even bother upgrade the kernel (and assorted
CPU-optimized packages)?    And what's the best approach?  getting
"linux-k7" would do the kernel and modules.  But there should be the
odd other packages also available that are cpu-optimized as well.  Are
they going to be installed as well?

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