annoncing gaveman in hoary universe

Douglas Alves alves5 at
Mon Jan 24 01:33:34 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 12:06 +0100, Thomas Kaiser wrote:
> Yes, check 'Do not fixate the disk after writing'

     Shouldn't you change the sentence 'Do not fixate the disk after
writing' for 'Do not close disk after writing' ??

I wonder if in Deutsche the appropiate word is similar to fixate, but I
believe this new sentence conforms better to English usage. At least,
that is how I have seen it in other mastering software.

Also, in the Settings tab for 'Data CD', the 6th line should read:
ISO conformance level
The difference is in only one letter!

I appreciate your excellent job in getting out Graveman for us ;-)

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