annoncing gaveman in hoary universe

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sat Jan 22 13:54:44 UTC 2005

Am Samstag, den 22.01.2005, 13:31 +0000 schrieb Tony Arnold:
> Just installed graveman on Warty. Looks promising, but it fails to
> automatically detect my two IDE CD-ROM drives. Do I need to add them
> manually as below, and if so what's the syntax and necessary stuff
> needed, or where canm I find out? There is currently no [lecteur]
> section in my graveman.conf file.
yes, if the detection fails, you need to add the section for your
writermanually to the file.

name=CD Writer

add this directly to the end of the file (without and empty line between
it and the existing entrys),
adjust the dev= line to point to your writer
and adjust the value vitesse which is the writing speed of your writer.

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