Help! How to configure network connections?

ulrich steffens ulrich at
Sat Jan 22 09:05:10 UTC 2005

hi ying-ju,
so it seems you either got no nameserver or dhcp doesent work at all.
open a terminal and fire up 'ifconfig'. does it show something?
it should list eth0 and lo as interfaces and eth0 should look like this:

eth0      Protokoll:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:0C:6E:1C:5D:DB
          inet Adresse:  Bcast: Maske:blah..
          inet6 Adresse: fe80::20c:6eff:fe1c:5ddb/64 ...................

if it doesent show an inet Adress, then your dhcp isnt working.
and a question to the network-gurus:
could it be that ipv6 could cause such problems with routers?

try ifconfig and report back


Am Freitag, den 21.01.2005, 09:29 -0800 schrieb Ying-Ju Suen:
> ulrich, thanks for helping.  But I think I didn't make my question
> clear enough.  In Configuration for Connection settings part, I chose
> (Automatic DHCP) because I use a router.  When I followed the
> instruction to set up my DSL, the configuration for connection
> settings was set to automatic detect network address.
> The following is the steps I did to try to configure my connection:
> 1) Computer > System Configuration > Networking
> 2) add a Network Profile name
> 3) add a Ethernet LAN card device, eth0
> 4) Configuration for Connection settings: Automatic (DHCP) > OK
> 5) activate eth0
> THen I go to, I got a msg saying
> " could not be found.  Please check the name and
> try again."
> I appologize for my simple question.  Please help!
> Ying
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> hi, this should be
> Computer > SystemSomething > Network
> (im using german language, so this may vary.. ;)
> ulrich
> Hello everyone,
> I am new to ubuntu.  I installed my ubuntu in my hp laptop today, but
> I don't know how to configure my network connection.  I look at the
> Unofficial Ubuntu 4.10 Starter Guide for help, but I don't quit
> understand it.  So if you know any good website or manual that would
> help me to configure my network connection, please let me know.
> Sincerely
> Ying
- ulrich
rule 3: It is OK to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder.

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