xmdcp - terminal server support in Ubuntu?
Joe Zicarelli
joe.zicarelli at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 01:20:41 UTC 2005
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 15:18:16 +0000 (UTC), Jesper Krogh <jesper at krogh.cc> wrote:
> Has anyone tried to install ltså on an Ubuntu system? Any
> recommendations?
> I currently have a system running Debian Unstable and LTSP but the Gnome
> support seems broken cause the terminals is running another X-version
> than the server.
> True multi-lingual support is needed, as minimum Danish, English,
> Arabic, Chinese and probaby a few more.
> Jesper
> --
> ./Jesper Krogh, jesper at krogh.cc, Jabber ID: jesper at jabbernet.dk
> Danmark har fået sit eget Mozillaforum:
> http://forum.mozilladanmark.dk/ eller nntp://news.sslug.dk/mozilladanmark.*
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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I'm typing this email on a diskless client on a Ubuntu-Warty LTSP server.
There were a few problems at first, including an XKB error, since
Warty uses xfree and LTSP 4.1 runs xorg. (This was of particular
priority to me, as I type Dvorak.) I have a feeling with Hoary, this
will no longer be an issue, as Hoary runs xorg. I haven't tested that
though, as this LTSP semi-production (our office). Anyways, the XKB
error was easily fixed, with some sym-links:
sudo ln -s /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86 /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg
sudo ln -s /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86.lst /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst
Another issue include media devices popping up on all client desktops
when you insert them into the server. Ubuntu currently seems to be
optimized for a desktop system, where that would be optimal. However,
ideally with thin clients, you would want to have devices inserted
into the client (usb key drive, cdrom, etc) to pop up automagicly on
the individual client desktop, and media inserted into the server
ignored. I'm afraid I don't currently understand enough about Gnome
to work that magic though.
I'm afraid I can't comment on multi-language support, as I only
understand English.
I'm actually very tempted to create a wiki-page on the Ubuntu site
documenting LTSP. There are many possible improvements we could work
on as a community, too, such as creating up-to-date Debian packages or
the Gnome media magic described above.
Good luck!
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