ubuntu cds

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 19 01:03:46 UTC 2005

<quote who="Stefan Grosz">

> I got my ubuntu cds today and i'm really impressed. they're great. my
> friends like them and my teachers too (i'm a student).  at school we
> heavily use it, we've an own ubuntu mirror there.  it's really funny to
> see, how people like ubuntu and start feeling geek and blaming microsoft
> when they use it.


> unfortunately everyone wants an ubuntu cd, so can i download the cd covers
> anywhere or an 'official document' which i can attach to self-burned cds?

We don't have any for the warty release, but we will have them for hoary,
because quite a few people have asked. :-)

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2005: Canberra, Australia                http://linux.conf.au/
   "Driving Miss Daisy. Best film of 1989. So said the academy. What does
                        that tell you?" - Spike Lee

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