Ubuntu release names/version numbers (was: Debian or Ubuntu?)

Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) shot at hot.pl
Mon Jan 17 16:16:22 UTC 2005


Eric, please don't Cc: me on your replies, I'm already subscribed.

Eric Dunbar:

> I suggest the Ubuntu team consider relying a little
> LESS on code names and more on OS versions.
> Warty, Hoary, Grumpy, Dumpy, Lazy, Larky, Snorey... what's in a name?

For me? A little of personal touch, plus
I don't like Ubuntu's version numbering scheme.

> As a Mac user I find that I'm constantly having to look up
> what is Panther (10.3), Tiger (10.4), and Jaguar (10.2).

Looks like they're sorted alphabetically. :o)

> Anyway, not to rain on the naming parade, but it is a problem to
> rely on cute names a little too much since cute names don't contain
> historical information like 10.4 or 5.10, and, they're going to be
> coming fast an furious (every six months).

In official documents - by all means, use the official numbering.

> Microsoft keeps the same name for an OS for at least two years.

3.11 -> 95 -> 98 -> 98SE -> Me -> XP for desktops,
NT 3.51 -> NT 4.0 -> 2000 -> 2003 for servers.
I wouldn't make an example of it.

> In Ubuntu, although the naming convention of year.month is logical,
> it is not a logical progression! 4.10, 5.4, 5.10, 6.4, 6.10, etc.

First, it's 4.10, 5.04, 5.10, 6.04, 6.10 etc.

Second, in Linux world the numbering schemes are generally different
than in Windows world. In Windows, you'd have 5.1, then 5.11, then 5.2;
in Linux, it's 2.6.9, 2.6.10, 2.6.11. Personally, I like the Linux
numbering scheme much more, and it's less restrictive (after 2.99
you simply go to 2.100); I also don't like the artificial bloating
of version numbers (hello, Slackware), and I don't like version numbers
based on dates - but I can understand people who see some benefits there
(I don't agree with them, though).

-- Shot
                It is a book about a Spanish guy called Manual.
                You should read it.                  -- Dilbert
================================================ http://shot.pl/hovercraft/ ===
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