Typing vowels with macrons

Kent Frazier kentfrazier at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 04:15:52 UTC 2005

Hello all.

I am a student of languages, and I need to be able to produce the
accented characters of the languages I study.  The international
layout works for most of these, but I am studying Latin, and I need to
be able to produce vowels with macrons.

Does anyone on here know of a way I can create vowels with macrons (a
solid line over the vowel, e.g. āēīōū) under Linux/Gnome short of
using character map?  The international layout with deadkeys does not
have a way to do this as far as I am aware.

Under Windows XP, I was able to accomplish this by using the Maori
keyboard layout.  It was pretty much identical to the standard U.S.
English layout except the ` key (directly above tab) was replaced with
a deadkey that allowed me to put macrons over vowels.  Maori layout
does not seem to be available under the Gnome Keyboard Layout chooser.
 Does anyone know of another layout with macrons or a way to produce
them without having to dig through character map each time?



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