mounting a floppy

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Mon Jan 17 14:58:25 UTC 2005

Am Mittwoch, den 05.01.2005, 12:26 -0800 schrieb Don W. Jenkins:
> With regard to mounting a floppy, I am now here in Ubuntu Warty again, and 
> I just tried Computer>Discs>Floppy right click "Mount Volume", which I had 
> actually tried before, and I got the same results--an error message that 
> the program cannot identify the file system or one was not specified.  I 
> get the same problem when I try to run "sudo mount /dev/fd0 
> /media/floppy".  It still wants to know the file system.  Same disc in 
> Mepis or SuSE it just mounts.  What gives?  I really don't know what it 
> wants me to call the file system, and there is no way to specify a file 
> system in the drop down menu process.  A tad frustrating.  Not really a 
> good thing.
this is a bug i try to track since some weeks....
could you add your experience to

and send me an image of a floppy that didnt work. create it with:

dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/home/$USER/Desktop/floppy.img

and mail me the resulting file that appeared on your desktop ?


PS: this also goes for everyone else with floppy problems....lets sort
this out before hoary ;)
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