USB key : what to do to get it working ???

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Mon Jan 17 13:37:01 UTC 2005

> You will need the right scripts and map for usb on your /etc/hotplug

What does that mean ? :-/ I have a usb folder in  /etc/hotplug, but it
contains only devices lists for scanners and digicams.

> then you'll have to call your /etc/hotplug/usb.rc via a
> /etc/init.d/hotplug file.

I types "sudo hotplug /etc/hotplug usb.rc" but nothing happened at all.
Probably because I skipped the first step, the one I don't understand ??

I hope that for Hoary, Ubuntu will continually scan for usb devices so
that USB keys and digicams get hotplugged automagically when you plug
them in, like Win-XP does.



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