How to mount HFS + partition

altern enrike at
Mon Jan 17 11:04:52 UTC 2005

 > I would like to know how I can auto-mount on the desktop an HFS + Mac OS
 > X Extented journalised partition ?
 > it is hdb 10 'Users'

if i remember well you need to turn off journaling? i am not sure anymore.
there was an email about this issue a couple of months ago on the list. 
There is goes again the part you are interested on:

If you want to access the ubuntu from osx you can install an extension 
called ext2 or something similar, but i dont recommend it, sometimes if 
OSX crashes the ubuntu partition is not unumounted properly, there are 
some issues about this that are a bnit anoying. I have this extension 
installed, just in case i need some day to access the ubuntu partition, 
but i selected in the extension preferences not aumomount the Ubuntu 
partition (by the way called "Untitled" or "?" on my osx).

To access and OSX partition from Ubuntu there are a couple of things to 
be done. First enable hfsplus support on Ubuntu by adding at 
/etc/modules the following two lines:


then in /etc/fstab to add the line about the new partition add this.

/dev/hda5     /mnt/data                hfsplus        users,noauto    0 

  and finally i created a new folder called data in /mnt

for non experienced users (like me) that might read this email in the 
future I must say here that to do this last steps you need to be root 
user otherwise it wont you edit the /etc/fstab file and nether create 
the data folder at /mnt
THe easiest way to do this was to type in the terminal

sudo gedit

to get the text editor as root, then it will allow you to open the 
configuration files and edit them
and to create the mac folder do

sudo nautilus

and then you get nautilus as root, go to /mnt and create an empty folder 
called data.


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