Xfce 4.2.0

rwabel ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Jan 17 11:29:08 UTC 2005

volvoguy Wrote: 
> Hey folks,
> I just wanted to report that the Debian packages available for the new
> Xfce 4.2.0 work perfectly in Ubuntu (Hoary in my case).
> It's REALLY fast, and renders fonts quite different than Gnome. (This
> is a touchy subject, so I won't comment whether it's better or not.
> :o)
> http://www.os-works.com/view/debian/
> I did the "pinning" thing they mention, but I don't think it's
> actually needed. I also opted to install the whole desktop
> meta-package.
> This would be a great alternative for lower-end machines. If it'll
> compile on PPC, I'm going to try to breathe new life into my aging
> 333Mhz iMac.
> -- 
> Aaron
> Ubuntu SVG Artwork - www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K.
> Chesterton
> -- 
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Yes indeed it's working great. But still take care with apt-get
dist-upgrade. In my case he wants to remove several gnome stuff and
oppenoffice because there is one file from os-works which is not in the
same version as needed for the hoary.

Thsi means, I've to comment out the os-works lines always. And when I
want to update I've to add them. Or I just could do the pinning :-)


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