Hoary k3b woes continue

Kent Frazier kentfrazier at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 07:04:03 UTC 2005

OK, k3b finally got updated, now I have another problem.

Before, I could burn everything just fine with a burning group set up.
 While wating for Ubuntu to update, I went upstream and grabbed an
updated k3b from the Debian Sid repository, which worked fairly well
except that while attempting to burn DVDs, it tells me:

:-( unable to PREVENT MEDIA REMOVAL: Operation not permitted
Fatal error at startup: Operation not permitted

If I su (not sudo, because growisofs will not work with sudo) and run
k3b from a root terminal, it will write everything just fine.

When the Hoary update became available today, I first purged k3b and
k3blibs and then installed the Hoary builds.  The new build is giving
me the same error as the one from Sid was

I googled around a bit, and the new problem seems to be related to growisofs.

I checked the permissions on growisofs:

$ ll `which growisofs`
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 57K 2004-11-01 11:24 /usr/bin/growisofs*

Perhaps if I changed its group to cdrom (the burning group) and set
group permission to +rwx, it would allow me to use it as a member of
the group.  I am a bit afraid to mess around with this, because I am
not sure its relevant and I don't want to screw anything up.

Any insights?


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