Bringing up additional eth0:n interfaces at boot

Brian Puccio brian at
Sun Jan 16 06:50:38 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 07:43 +0100, John Smith wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> 	you can do it the same way as with primary addresses by adding
> an 'auto <interface>' statement in your /etc/network/interfaces.
> Here an example:
> auto lo eth1 eth0 eth0:1 eth0:2
> # bind server (ns1....)
> iface eth0:1 inet static
>    address
>    netmask 25........

Thanks, I can't believe I missed that, I spent a good half an hour
looking in the /etc/init.d/ folder and in variosu run level things based
upon a few google queries, but I guess the information applied to
another distro or some such.  I feel quite dumb now.  Thanks again!
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