Reply-To issues proposed for Community Council agenda [Was: This Mailinglist]

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Jan 15 16:14:20 UTC 2005

<quote who="Sean Miller">

> I am simply asking for a change in settings, and clearly people agree with
> me.

Unfortunately, it is not clear. This is a controversial issue among mailing
list users, and there is no resolution that will please everyone. The issue
has been proposed for the next Community Council agenda, and will be
discussed there.

> I do not understand why you would even start talking about the "code of
> conduct".

The initial paragraphs of the email I responded seemed distinctly out of
place in an Ubuntu community forum, thus my reference to the code of


- Jeff

GUADEC 2005: Stuttgart, Germany            
  "If you want to start a debate on a subject, however, all that seems to
     be necessary is to involve perennial target Richard Gooch." - LWN

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