The world needs more newbies

Nicholas Ubuntuser ubuntuser at
Sat Jan 15 10:39:30 UTC 2005

Hi gang.
I'm soooo happy to be Ubuntuing now. (tell me thats a verb... ) Its an 
honour and a privilege to be part of the ever improving and oh-so-shiny 
and sexy Ubuntu.

I guess I'm after an intro-users guide. Basic stuff, like how do I 
access my CDROM, how do I format a hard drive I just plugged into the 
IDE, how do I use the disk filing system (and manage partitions). 
Simple stuff really.

BTW I just migrated from Win**** but still love OS-X. I hope thats ok.

Nicholas Burman
I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues.
Duke Ellington (1899 - 1974)
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