Unmounting in Nautilus in 2.6.10 = Crash

Horst Schlonz horst.schlonz at gmx.de
Sat Jan 15 08:59:11 UTC 2005

Am Samstag, den 08.01.2005, 16:28 -0600 schrieb Kent Frazier:
> I recently updated my Hoary install to kernel 2.6.10.  When I am using
> 2.6.10, if I try to unmount a device through the right-click menu of
> its desktop icon (maybe in other places as well, I haven't
> experimented), the system freezes up completely.  I try
> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill X, Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to another
> console, nothing seems to work.  The mouse will not move, and the
> system is completely unresponsive.  I have been forced to hard reset
> the system several times.

similar problem here. i can umount usbdisks once on the desktop.
plugging an usbdisk in after that does not show a desktop-icon (another
annoying bug) but umounting in console kills the system almost
completely (still pingable but no ssh).

i had searched in /var/log for any failures but found nothing.

> When I revert to 2.6.9, I don't experience this problem, so I am
> assuming it is an issue with 2.6.10.  For the time being, I will just
> run on 2.6.9.  Can anyone else verify this bug?

i had reverted back to 2.6.10-3 from 2.6.10-5 with no success. will also
stick with 2.6.9.

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