mixing mailboxes in the command line and the gui

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at cyb3r.org
Fri Jan 14 12:27:56 UTC 2005

On Friday 14 of January 2005 13:04, josé ángel madrid gómez wrote:

> I know there are some command line apps to check email. In order to
> prevent problems if my X won't start, I would like to learn the
> procedure for reading and sending emails using a console.

 If your account provides IMAP access, then you're ready. Just 
configure ,,Your X Mail Client''[1] and then ,,Your Console Mail Client''[2] 
to use it. IMAP is like a database of e-mail. You don't have to download 
e-mails, just a headers. 

 [1] KMail, Thunderbird, Evolution
 [2] Mutt, Elmo, Pain.. eerm, Pine ;)

 Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski, TPnets.com department of software

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