Using gstreamer0.8-lame with Sound Juicer

Antonio debian at
Fri Jan 14 11:55:30 UTC 2005

Mary Gardiner wrote:

>I'm using gstreamer0.8-lame with Sound Juicer to encoded mp3s.
>Unfortunately it sets a really high bitrate (it may actually be
>lossless) resulting in enormous files: 10MB for a file that would usually
>be 3MB with a 196kb bitrate.
>There's a thread on the forums about this:
> but noone has figured
>out how to configure gstreamer0.8-lame's bitrate. Does anyone here know
>how to do it?
Sorry for not answering to your question, but have you considered 
encoding in ogg/vorbis instead that mp3? You have an higher quality and 
more little files:

- Antonio

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