upload jpeg images via nautilus' ftp doesn't work

Petri Pennanen suvarin at home.se
Fri Jan 14 10:57:13 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 11:41 +1100, Lex Hider wrote:
> Hi,
> If I try updating my webpage via ftp through nautilus, the image files
> go across but are scrambled and weird.
> example: http://www.autoq.org/images/example.jpg
> this should just be a normal photo image.
> can anyone else confirm this.

Yes. I uploaded files with nautilus and downloaded them back again. I
haven't changed any filer transfer settings in nautilus since install
(warty preview, updated of course). The following files fail:

      * jpg
      * png
      * pdf
      * ogg (Bitrate gets weird. I know for sure transfer trough smb
        with nautilus works)

Files that work fine

      * monochrome png
      * monochrome gif
      * text only files (.txt, .doc)

> Things work fine through gftp.

Same here. Are you going to submit a bug report?

- Petri

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