Where's a good starting point for using Wine?

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at cyb3r.org
Fri Jan 14 07:35:00 UTC 2005

david wrote:

> Macromedia did say they were going to port flash to linux. Or was that
> just the player?

  I renember they said that they will *fix* releases to run fine under 
Wine-alike solutions. This is a partial solution, but it's better than 
nothing. At least I will not be force to change computers to help my 
friend with ActionScript.

> We subscribe Macromedia to the "this mailing list" thread.

  This is *so* not in Ubuntu-spirit. ;-))

  Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski, software departament of TPnets.com
  http://opi.pegasos.pl http://ubuntulinux.org

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