Partition Suggestions

Vram lamsokvr at
Fri Jan 14 00:10:18 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 22:04 +0200, Simon Taplin wrote:
> I've just invested in a 40GB HDD specifically for running my Ubuntu side 
> of the world. The HDD will be running as a secondary master. I am 
> looking for some suggestions on how to partition on the drive
> So far I have a 509MB swap Partition (Why can't I make this bigger?)
> A 2GB backup partition for keeping a copy the apt cache and any 
> downloads I have
> A 5GB home partition (probebly to big but I am open to suggestions)
> What other directories is it a good idea to run as seperate partitions 
> and what sizes? This would be mainly for a desktop machine.

There is no right answer here....

Just flame wars...

Here goes...

Partitions you need...

/boot			50 Meg

/			600 Meg

/usr			3G

/usr/local		2G	

/var			1G

/opt			1G

/tmp			1G

/home			10G

/image <for those pics> 20G/?

/mp3			20G/?

swap			What ever!!!

Just my $0.02



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