This Mailinglist - another vote for sanity

Magnus Therning magnus at
Thu Jan 13 12:10:25 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 08:12:32AM +0000, Sean Miller wrote:
>Markus Kolb wrote:
>>Maybe you want to reply to all subscribed users of the list and for
>>this you want to send your answer to the list again.
>>Others want to answer only the sender and for this they do a simple
>Except that you're missing the point entirely... it is the *minority*
>that want to answer only the sender... the *majority* would want to
>reply to the list, and the list would want that to be the case so that
>we don't get threads that end unexpectedly without an answer. Why
>should it be that the people who want to answer to the list have to
>mess around cutting and pasting whilst the few who want to send a
>private reply just hit the "reply" button... this is all
>back-to-front!! It's mad...

And you are bringing up irrelevant things! It's not the will of the
majority of the subscribers that's interesting, it's the will of the
minority that posts the majority of the mails on the list. (Assuming
that there is a correlation between knowldege and posting.)

To make sure that the people you want to answer your questions are
subscribed you may very well have to give in and learn to live with the
Reply-To: behaviour of the list. If you aren't interested in doing that
there are the Ubuntu forums!

>>In case youu didn't get it after all these mails with the topic: This
>>list will never set a reply-to because it is not the purpose of the
>>reply-to field.
>What an arrogant statement -- 90% of mailing lists use the reply-to in
>this way, so clearly a lot of people in this world (including the
>mighty Yahoogroups, Googlegroups, Mailman (otherwise the option would
>not be there on Mailman, would it?) etc.) think this is a valid

Hmm, what an arrogant statement--I can't believe you can make a 90/10
statement like that. I think what you mean might be that 90% of the
lists _you_subscribe_to_ use Reply-To: the way you want. I can tell you
that 90% of the lists I subscribe to don't.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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